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Nas Pharmacy and Wellness
Nas Pharmacy and Wellness
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Long Term Care

At Nas Pharmacy and Wellness, we offer comprehensive long-term care services for individuals in nursing homes. We understand that long-term care can be complicated and that the needs of each individual may vary. That’s why our team of experts are here to provide personalized, compassionate care and tailored services to meet each individual’s unique needs.

We can provide medication management and therapy management services, as well as general healthcare counseling and support. We are also available to provide comprehensive medication reviews, drug information, and other educational resources. We strive to promote independence and self-care for nursing home residents who need assistance in managing their medications and treatments.

Our team is dedicated to providing compassionate care and support for individuals and their families. We understand that each person’s needs are unique and we are here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our long-term care services for nursing home residents or to schedule an appointment.